Danske Bank MacLarnon Cup
Abbey Vocational School  Donegal winners 2024


Draw will take place on Wednesday 20th September
Teams in Draw:
1. Abbey VS Donegal / 2. Aquinas Belfast / 3. Dean Maguirc Carrickmore /
4. Loreto Milford / 5. Our Lady’s & St Patrick’s Knock / 6. Rathmore Belfast /
7. SRC Newry / 8. St Eunan’s Letterkenny / 9. St Louis’ Ballymena /
10. St Mary’s CBS Belfast / 11. St Patrick’s Downpatrick / 12. St Pius X Magherafelt

SECTION A                                                     SECTION B
Our Lady’s & St Patrick’s Knock                     St Pius X Magherafelt
SRC Newry                                                          St Louis’ Ballymena
Aquinas Belfast                                                   Rathmore Belfast
St Mary’s CBS Belfast                                        St Patrick’s Downpatrick

St Eunan’s Letterkenny
Dean MaguirAbbey VS Donegal
Abbey VS Donegal
Loreto Milford

Sorry no match results

  MacLarnon Cup  
  November 13, 2023  

Sorry no match results

  MacLarnon Cup Playoffs  
  January 12, 2024  
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Quarter Finals  
  January 15, 2024  
Magherafelt, St. Pius X College 11:00 Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College
Magherafelt, St. Pius X College Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar 11:00 Milford, Loreto Community School
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar Milford, Loreto Community School
Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational 11:00 Belfast, Aquinas
Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational Belfast, Aquinas
Belfast, St Mary’s CBS 11:00 Downpatrick, St Patrick’s Grammar School
Belfast, St Mary’s CBS Downpatrick, St Patrick’s Grammar School
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Semi Finals  
  January 29, 2024  
Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College 29/01 Garvaghy 4pm Belfast, Rathmore Grammar
Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College Belfast, Rathmore Grammar
Downpatrick, St Patrick’s Grammar School 29/01 Garvaghy @ 4.00pm Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational
Downpatrick, St Patrick’s Grammar School Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Final  
  February 11, 2024  
Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College Armagh 1pm Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational
Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College Donegal Town, Abbey Vocational