MacLarnon Cup 22/23

Sean O’Connor

SECTION A                               SECTION B
St Louis’ Ballymena                  St Paul’s Bessbrook
Rathmore Belfast                      St Joseph’s Donaghmore
St Patrick’s Downpatrick        Abbey VS Donegal
Loreto Milford                           St Pius X Magherafelt

St Mary’s CBS Belfast
Our Lady & St Patrick’s Knock
Aquinas Belfast
St Columba’s Glenties



St. Columba’s Glenties 2-2 V Aquinas, Belfast 4-7
Rathmore Belfast 1-5 V St Louis’ Ballymena 1-10

'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Quarter Final  
  January 20, 2023  
Magherafelt, St. Pius X College 1pm MUSA Milford, Loreto Community School
Magherafelt, St. Pius X College Milford, Loreto Community School
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School 1pm QUB Bessbrook, St Paul’s High School
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School Bessbrook, St Paul’s High School
Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School TBC Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
Belfast, Aquinas 2:30pm Coláiste Feirste Belfast, Rathmore Grammar
Belfast, Aquinas Belfast, Rathmore Grammar
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Semi Final  
  January 28, 2023  
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar 2pm Owenbeg Milford, Loreto Community School
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar Milford, Loreto Community School
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School 28/01 2pm Slaughneil Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  MacLarnon Cup Final  
  February 10, 2023  
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar 7:30 DUB QUB Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School
Belfast, Rathmore Grammar Donaghmore, St. Joseph’s Grammar School