More Information


Approved: 29u Lunasa 2023

(1) Affiliation to the GAA Injury Benefit Fund is compulsory for all schools located in the six counties to participate in Ulster Schools GAA competitions.  Penalty: Removal from all competitions until payment is received.

(2) Unless specified otherwise, games will be scheduled to be played “in the week
beginning Monday….” This will be done to give the 2 schools involved the flexibility to agree on a mutually convenient day and time for each game. In the event that a game is not played within the specified week, the CCC may allow schools a maximum of a further 7 days within which the game must be played.

Penalty for failure to fulfil the fixture in these circumstances:
Where both schools are deemed by the CCC to be responsible for the game not being played: The game will be declared null and void.
Where one school is deemed by the CCC, on receipt of compelling contemporaneous written evidence, to be ultimately responsible for the game not being played: Forfeiture of game and award to opposing school.

(3) There will therefore be no departures from the agreed Fixtures protocol above except in the most exceptional circumstance, i.e. a critical school incident.

In the event of an exceptional circumstance as defined above, the HEADTEACHER of the affected school will email the Rúnaí detailing the specifics of the case, and the CCC will adjudicate on the matter.

In the event of any such change, the game will be refixed for a date which does not interfere with the playing of the next round of the affected competition.

(4) All schools must co-operate to ensure that:
i. All their games are played by the relevant fixtures deadlines.
ii. Results are forwarded to the Competition Coordinator within a 24 hour period. These must be sent in a GG-PP format so                                     results can be saved for future reference.
iii. Referees complete and return match reports to the Rúnaí when requested.

(5) Group games will be played on a Home and Away basis (subject to a 40 mile travel limit as per Google miles). The first named team in the fixtures distributed shall have Home advantage.

Where the distance is greater than 40 miles, the two schools should agree a neutral venue.

Except where otherwise specified, knockout games will take place at neutral venues.

(6) A ‘Home pitch’ shall be an enclosed, full sized pitch (grass or 3G), properly lined with nets at each goal.

(7) During the league stages of competitions, Riail 6.21(5) T.O. 2023 shall apply.
For teams tied on points, league standings will be determined as per Riail 6.21 (5)(c)
T.O. 2023
i. Where two Teams only are involved – the outcome of the meeting of the two Teams in the previous game in the Competition;
ii. Scoring Difference (subtracting the total Scores Against from total Scores For);
iii. Highest Total Score For;
iv. A Play-Off.

Exception: (ii) and (iii) shall not apply in competitions at U14.5 age grade or younger.

(8) All knockout games, unless stated otherwise, shall follow the Winner on the Day protocols. Where a game finishes a draw after normal time, in accordance with Rule, the following measures shall apply;
Phase One – Extra Time (2 periods x 10 minutes) Phase Two – Penalty competition

Exception: For the Final of any competition, unless stated otherwise, only Phase One above shall apply to the first game. If the game finishes level after extra time, a replay shall take place. In the replay, Phase One and Phase Two shall both apply.

(9) The venue and referee for all Finals will be arranged by the CCC.
No school is entitled to object to any fixture, venue or referee thereby arranged.

(10) In the event of two schools failing to agree on a date, venue or referee for games at any stage of the competition, the final and binding decision will be made by the CCC.

(11) Schools are reminded it is their responsibility to cover the associated costs of venues and match officials in all games, unless instructed otherwise by the Committee-in- charge.

(12) Schools wishing to video record a fixture must obtain prior permission from the organising committee. They must inform the opposition of the recording and provide a copy to them if requested. A school or individual not involved in the fixture does not have any right to undertake a video recording. Unedited copies of any such recordings must be made available to the organising committee on request.

(13) All Challenge Games must be notified using the official 2023/24 Challenge Games Application Form circulated at the beginning of each season.

(14) Regulations Governing the Organisation and Presentation of Games 2021 (Covid) as approved by An Coiste Bainistíochta (06/05/2021) shall apply in totality to schools competitions.

The Competitions Control Committee (CCC) is mindful of the GAA Give Respect Get Respect campaign and approve the enforcement of these Regulations for the benefit of all stakeholders – players, referees, team management, officials, media, members and spectators.

Penalty: Breaches of Match Regulations shall be at the discretion of the Committee-in- charge. These may include warnings, fines, the withdrawal of sideline privileges, or suspension of individuals as considered appropriate.

(15) Games at U13.5 and U12.5 level in Football will use the two-touch rule.
i.e. After one solo and one bounce, or two solos, the ball must be played by the player in possession.

(16) In Football, games at U14.5 level and below will use a size 4 ball with kickouts taken from the hand.

Games at U15.5 level and above will use a size 5 ball with kickouts taken from the ground


(17) Eligibility to participate is confined to bona fide fulltime second level students who fulfil the following criteria:
A Bona Fide Second Level Student is a student:
(i) Recognised by the relevant Educational Authority:
(1) The Education Authority (EA) in the north of Ireland
(2) The Department of Education & Science in the Republic of Ireland

(ii) Taking a whole time/full time timetabled course which requires attendance in school for a minimum of 21 hours per week, and whose name is on the school register on 01 October and the 01 February of the relevant School year.

(iii) Whose course of study is school based and falls within the following parameters:
(1) North of Ireland: a minimum of 2 qualifications from those listed on the NIEFQAN file which have been approved for use in post-Primary schools in the North of Ireland by the EA.
• (NIEFQAN = NI Entitlement Framework Qualifications Accreditation Number)
• Students following courses and qualifications promoted and funded by the Department for the Economy (DfE) (e.g., The                                    ApprenticeshipsNI 2021 Programme or its successors or its equivalents) do not meet the criteria specified in this bye-law.

(2) Republic of Ireland: the 3-year Senior Cycle within which the student is taking one of
(1) The traditional Leaving Certificate
(2) The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
(3) The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

(iv) Who is not in receipt of remuneration for employment between 0900 to 1600 hours Monday to Friday during the normal school week. A student who has commenced a training course for the purposes of obtaining full-time employment shall be deemed to be ineligible to represent his School once he has commenced the course.

(v) Effective attendance, excluding holidays and the month of September, shall be a minimum attendance of 13 school days in the four-week period prior to the game.

(vi) In the case of any possible exception, permission to play must be secured for the player by the Headteacher of his school from the authority in charge of the competition.

(vii) A student shall not play for two Post Primary Schools in the same Competition in the same School year.

(viii) Students pursuing Post Leaving Certificate, Further or Higher Education Courses are not eligible to compete in Post Primary Schools Competitions

Each school shall register the following, signed and certified by the Headteacher, with the relevant Committee/Council at least seven days prior to the first official game in the relevant competition:
• A panel of players, with dates of birth, in both the Irish and English languages, with details of each student’s course of study.

(18) Any student who has completed 7 years of education in school in the north of Ireland and transfers to another school for an 8th year, shall not be permitted to play U19 football or hurling; the equivalent regulation shall apply to schools in the Republic of Ireland i.e., a student who transfers to another school for a 7th year shall not be eligible to play for that school.

(19) Eligibility for u16.5 football and hurling competitions: any pupils who were retained or for whom deferred entry was used during their Primary School education and whose D.O.B falls between 1st April and 30th June in the relevant year shall continue to be eligible based on age as if their DOB had occurred in the relevant period, 1st July to 30th June. An application for any such pupil, furnishing and confirming the relevant details, and signed by the Headteacher, shall be submitted for consideration by the CCC along with the school’s relevant competition registration form.


(20) Ulster Schools GAA will provide up to 25 medals for the winning school in a competition. Schools who require additional medals will order these at their own cost, and should liaise with the medal supplier JC May & Co about these.

(21) All cups, trophies and shields must be returned to a representative of the Ulster Schools GAA Committee by 01 October each year.

(22) The relevant school will bear the cost of repair to any trophy returned damaged or lost.