More Information


We expect all team mentors to insist on the highest behavioural standards from all their students at all times, and to lead by example in this respect, and we expect full cooperation from managers and schools in the event of any departure from such standards.
Team managers are reminded that all match-day communication with their students should be conducted in a strictly professional manner, and that the professional standards required in the classroom should also extend to the team dressing room before, during and after matches, and to all activities throughout each game.

  • Play your games in time.
  • Play the games as per schedule.
  • Observe the 24 hour response protocol for arranging games.
  • Phone / Text results to the Coordinator within 24 hours.
  • Make sure that your results are posted on the website/Twitter.
  • If a school doesn’t respond or cooperate in arranging a fixture, then document your efforts (emails and / or texts), and send that information to the secretary; it will be tabled and acted upon at the next meeting.


  1. As unanimously agreed at the 2019 AGM, league games in all competitions will now be played on a Home and Away basis, expect where the distance involved is over 40 miles (as per Google Maps).
  2.  “Home” games must be played on an enclosed pitch and referee to be agreed by both schools. The Home school may wish to provide some form of hospitality to its visitors.
  3.  Where neutral venues are being used, please remember that you are a guest of the host club/school, and facilities should be left in the same way which they were found. PLEASE TIDY UP AFTER YOU!


Deadlines have been specified for the completion of the league sections of all competitions, and can only be altered by a decision of the Ulster Schools CCC, NOT by a coordinator.

Unless the specified deadline has been adjusted by the CCC, the results of games played after the relevant established deadlines cannot be considered in determining the names and rank order of those schools which will progress to the play-offs, quarter finals or semi finals of the various competitions.

Ulster Schools GAA will provide up to 25 medals for the winning school in a competition. Schools who require additional medals order these at their own cost, and should liaise with the medal supplier JC May & Co [email protected] about these.

All cups, trophies and shields must be returned to a representative of the Ulster Schools GAA Committee by 01 October each year.

Schools will bear the cost of repair to any trophy returned damaged or lost.

Please ensure that you publicise your school’s fixtures, results etc on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Team registrations

Teams for the U19 competitions which started in Hurling this week, and start in Football in the coming weeks, are asked to register their squad lists with myself as soon as possible. Please send to [email protected]. There is a registration form (which can double up as a teamsheet) link below, to assist.

Official Match Day Teamsheet -Ulster Schools GAA


Please note that a teamsheet is required for every game. No exceptions.

Referees will now be asked not to start games until a teamsheet has been received from both schools.

Referee expenses

Schools are reminded that it is the responsibility of one or both schools to reimburse the match referee on each occasion, and in so doing, be mindful of the time/distance involved.