Danske Bank Mageean Cup
Coordinator: Sean Fleming

Draw Take place on 20th September:
1. Cross & Passion Ballycastle 2. Our Lady’s & St Patrick’s Knock
3. St Killian’s Garron Tower 4. St Louis’ Ballymena
5. St Mary’s CBS Belfast 6. St Patrick’s Maghera

SECTION A                                                SECTION B
St Killian’s Garron Tower                            Cross & Passion Ballycastle
St Mary’s CBS Belfast                                    St Louis’ Ballymena
St Patrick’s Maghera                                      Our Lady’s & St Patrick’s Knock

Sorry no match results

  Mageean Cup Round Robin  
  October 3, 2023  
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  Mageean Cup Quarter Finals  
  October 23, 2023  
Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College 11:00 Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College
Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College Knock, Our Lady & St. Patrick's College
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School 11:00 Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
Ballymena, St Louis Grammar School Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?> '; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  Mageean Cup Semi Finals  
  November 20, 2023  
Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College 11:00 Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College Belfast, St Mary’s CBS
Garron Tower, St Killian’s College 11:00 Maghera, St Patrick’s College
Garron Tower, St Killian’s College Maghera, St Patrick’s College
'; echo '

Sorry no fixtures

'; endif; if (have_rows('match_results')): // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('match_results')) : the_row(); // vars $home_team = get_sub_field('home_team'); $home_score = get_sub_field('home_score'); $away_score = get_sub_field('away_score'); $away_team = get_sub_field('away_team'); // display a sub field value ?>
  Mageean Cup Final  
  December 8, 2023  
Garron Tower, St Killian’s College 03/01 7:30 Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College
Garron Tower, St Killian’s College Ballycastle, Cross & Passion College