Player of the Month: November – Adam Crimmins
December 21, 2018
1 Minute with………….
Name: Adam Crimmins
Club: Mayobridge
Favourite Position: Inside Forward
Other Hobbies: Running and soccer
Childhood sporting hero: Benny Coulter
Best Player you have played with: Dan McCarthy
Best Player you have played against: Laurence Brannigan
Best game you have been involved in: Rannafast Final 2018
Best trainer within the squad: Reddy French
Worst trainer within the squad: JJ Ucar
Any superstitions: Right boot and sock on before left
Favourite Song: Avicii, The Nights
Favourite Film: Creed
Favourite Holiday Destination: Italy
Pre-match Meal: Pasta and Chicken
Song you listen to before big games: Don’t you worry Child, Swedish House Mafia
Best advice ever received: Its not about the size of the dog in the fight, its about the size of the fight in the dog
Biggest influence on career: My dad
Most important skill: Being able to make the right decisions in game
Biggest Strength in your game: Speed and Vision
Area of your game you would like to improve: Being stronger in possession
Young Player within your school to look out for: Thomas Hardy
Best thing about the GAA: Getting rewarded for hard work put in in training